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This page provides useful information relating to the fluoride products sourced and supplied by IXOM to our customers: local councils and water companies in New Zealand.

We supply two different fluoride products to our customers. By far the most common is Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HFA). We also supply a small amount of Sodium Silicofluoride (SSF).

HFA and SSF are sourced from reputable specialist manufacturers and meet the quality and safety standards outlined in the Good Practice Guide Supply of Fluoride for Use in Water Treatment (PDF, 6.69mb) published by the New Zealand Water & Wastes Association.

Further information about these products and their use in New Zealand can be found in the sections below.

As a fluoride supplier IXOM does not express a position for or against water fluoridation. However, we recognise our role in the fluoride supply chain, and can provide general information relating to the products we supply to help others form their own views about water fluoridation.

Useful links

IXOM-supplied fluoride products

Further information

For further information about water fluoridation in your region please contact your local council or water company. If you have any further questions about the fluoride products supplied by IXOM in New Zealand please contact us on 0800 22 22 77.