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Solubor - 25kg Bag


Solubor® DISODIUM OCTABORATE. It is manufactured in the USA by Rio Tinto Minerals to combine the highest concentration of boron with the maximum possible dispersion and solubility in water. As such, it has a number of different uses in agro-industrial markets, in addition to its long established role in farm sprays.

Main uses • Coating of finished solid fertilisers. • Manufacture of solution or suspension fertilisers. Optimised dissolution at low ambient temperatures and high concentration make Solubor the product of choice. • Formulation of high performance liquids containing either boron alone or a combination of nutrients for spraying, ‘fertigation’ or irrigation. • Inclusion in multi-element soluble powder formulations for spraying on farm. • To provide boron through irrigation, fertigation or hydroponics where this is the most practical form of plant feeding.


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