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Sustainability Project Win-Win

Katrina Summersett

We’re celebrating another great achievement this week – a project that has created a WIN-WIN for our customers by enabling neutral-cost teal drum recycling, resulting in a positive sustainability outcome for the community.

IXOM New Zealand purchases more than 6000 new 200L teal drums each year, with over 2000 are delivered to our Timaru plant. Back in August 2023, with support from our NZ Business Managers, the team started investigating how we might be able to collect, wash and re-use teal drums across the South Island.

Our project team found a partner to work with, and undertook vigorous quality testing to review and approve the sampled recycled drums at our IXOM Timaru site, before launching a test delivery with selected customers. Following successful testing, IXOM Timaru approved the use of recycled teal drums for all sodium hypochlorite drums.

Since January, more than 500 drums have been collected and recycled across the South Island 👏👏

This has been an incredible effort by the project team, who are now aiming to expand the collection of IXOM teal drums in June 2024.

A huge thank you to all involved!

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