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Celebrating World Day for Safety & Health at Work

Sophie Smith

Sunday 28th April is World Day for Safety and Health at Work, and as one of Australia’s leading chemical manufacture and distribution businesses, we strive to be at the forefront of making our industry safer.

Safety is embedded in the way we work, from sourcing and manufacturing, to bulk transport and customer delivery. We promote safety as the presence of capacity, not just the absence of accidents or mistakes.

David Schelbach, our Chief Officer Safety, Health and Environment says, “Safety is about having the capacity to succeed under varying conditions. At IXOM we are proud of or safety record, and our goal is always to ensure that our people are set up for success, today and for the future."

Today and every day, we want our people to be protected both physically and mentally, and we thank all our team, suppliers and partners for working with us to always ensure a safe environment at work, at home, and in the community.

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