IXOM’s training programs aim to impart knowledge to students of how chemicals behave under certain conditions and how to use them safely so as to avoid practices that may lead to incidents, and arming them with knowledge and skills which will allow them to respond to chemical incidents safely and correctly.
Our training programs assist businesses to meet workplace applications & regulatory obligations and needs, and support customers in lowering their chemical risk profile.
The training programs are designed and based on vast knowledge and experience base of IXOM experts, and are focussed on skills and knowledge that are essential to ensuring compliance with chemical safety and risk management legislation and standards.
The training is competency based, with significant practical, on-site and realistic training and assessment activities which can be delivered conveniently at your site, face-to-face, by experienced and Certificate IV qualified trainers and assessors.
The learning outcomes of this course are:
- Understanding the properties, behaviours and hazards of chlorine gas
- Understanding chlorine gas Safety Data Sheets and HAZCHEM signage
- Knowledge of chlorine gas health effects and first aid procedures
- Understanding Australian Standards requirements for personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Familiarisation with chlorine system components and their function
- Knowledge of regulatory obligations and content of Australian Standard AS2927 for chlorine gas
- Understanding chlorine gas safety equipment requirements
- Knowledge of safe handling and storage procedures for chlorine gas containers
- Acquire the skills to safely connect and disconnect chlorine gas containers
- Knowledge to troubleshoot chlorine connection issues
- Understanding of correct responses to chlorine gas incidents and emergencies
If you are interested in this course contact your local IXOM Account Manager or IXOM’s training department on training@ixom.com.