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One partner, thousands of solutions.

We’re the experts behind the scenes, who ensure safe and reliable access and help industries, businesses and local communities to thrive.
Over 100 years of expertise.
With a world-class heritage in water treatment, manufacturing, and chemical sourcing.
Unmatched network of manufacturing and supply chain assets.
Over 50 manufacturing and terminal positions, backed by a global reach importing from 250 ports and 70 countries.
Committed to safety, innovation and quality.
Underpinned by our four pillars of regulatory compliance, quality control, quality assurance and vendor assurance.

IXOM Industries

Bespoke solutions to keep industries thriving.

Learn more about which of your industry's challenges we can solve.

Safety, efficiency, and integrity at our core
With safety, efficiency and integrity underpinning our approach, and supported by our extensive supply chain, our team delivers bespoke solutions focused on solving our customers’ challenges
Giving back to the communities in which we live and operate.
With water at our core, IXOM is committed to supporting science education, conservation, safety and quality across a range of initiatives, driving innovation and promoting a better future for all.